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Welcome to Lansdown’s Quick Quote Indicator

Just 3 simple questions will provide you with an approximate indication of premium. Following the result, if this is of interest please click the ‘Get Quote Indication’ button and complete the form, we will then respond to you as soon as possible.

If your property consists of 2 flats, please contact us directly via the quote form, telephone or email.


Please call us on: 0800 652 2638

or email: Click Here to Send Emailenquiries@lansdowninsurance.com

Quote Details

You have a duty of disclosure under The Insurance Act 2015

Quick Quote Indicator

Available for blocks of flats, converted houses into flats and purpose built blocks.

Property Reinstatement ValueiIf you need assistance calculating your Property Reinstatement Value we now have a Desktop Valuation or Site visit facility available please email us or call on 01242 524498 for further details.

(also referred to as declared value)

Property Construction

Floor Construction