We have launched our landlords cost-of-living survey that sets to seek out how the cost-of-living crisis is affecting landlords and their future plans.

We are keen to uncover the real issues affecting landlords, at this time of rising costs and market uncertainty, through our short survey. Each landlord that completes the five-minute survey will be entered into a free prize draw for a John Lewis voucher worth £100.

Please take our survey here.

Darren Bee, Associate Director at Lansdown Insurance Brokers said: “Swiftly rising costs for landlords, coupled with ensuring social and legal responsibilities to tenants are met, has currently put many landlords in an unprecedented position. We want to further understand how landlords are reacting to these financial pressures so we can highlight the real issues and shape our plans and policies to benefit both landlords and tenants alike.”

Our nationwide survey focuses on how financial pressures are impacting landlords’ properties and plans for 2023 and beyond. The team are keen to highlight and publicise any relevant findings from the survey. The survey is now open for landlords to respond and will close on the 31st of January.

Picture of a block of flats with a quote. Darren Bee added: “At Lansdown, our customers are our absolute priority, and we want to understand the issues affecting them. If by carrying out this research it means we can help provide peace of mind through effective insurance which reflects their needs then it will be time very well spent.”

About Lansdown Insurance Brokers

Lansdown Insurance Brokers are specialists in Landlord Insurance and Block of flats insurance. We are able to provide flexible policies to suit individual client needs and provide advice on what cover is needed. For more information call the team on 01242 524498. Lansdown is part of the Benefact Group, a charity-owned, international family of financial services companies that gives all available profits to charity and good causes.

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