It is your responsibility to ensure that any staff, service users or visitors to your property are safe. To reduce the risk of slips and trips on ice, frost or snow, you need to assess the risk and put in a process to manage it. Identify areas that are most likely to be affected by ice, e.g. entrances, car parks, walkways, shortcuts, slopes and areas constantly in the shade or wet, and take actions that are ‘reasonable in the circumstances’.

Top tips

  • Prevention is key so keep an eye on the weather and take action if freezing temperatures are expected.
  • Spread salt or grit on pathways before pedestrians use them (before nightfall or early morning) to prevent ice forming or limit snow amassing.
  • Take prompt action during snowy/icy weather. It’s easier to move snow when it’s fresh rather than once it has become hard and compacted.
  • Never use water to melt ice and snow as it may refreeze and turn to black ice which will increase the risk of injuries as it is invisible and extremely slippery.
  • When shovelling snow, take care where you move it to so that it doesn’t block people’s paths or drains.

It is not necessary to ensure that every available path is cleared immediately, just ensure that there is at least one safe route available to access the building.

The timing and extent of any snow fall is relevant in terms of insurance. It might not be reasonable for paths to be cleared during heavy falls of snow, but the longer the snow and ice remains on the ground after the fall, the greater the likelihood of it being considered reasonable for some attempt to clear it to be made.

About Lansdown

Lansdown Insurance Brokers are specialists in Block of flats insurance, Vineyard insurance and Business insurance. We are able to provide flexible policies to suit individual client needs and provide advice on what cover is needed. For more information call the team on 01242 524498.


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